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Department of Veterinary Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary School

MPhil: Submission of Thesis

Submission Deadlines

  • Students admitted in Michaelmas term must submit by end of the following August
  • Students admitted in Lent term must submit by the end of the following Michaelmas term
  • Students admitted in Easter term must submit by the end of the following Lent term. 

Appointment of Examiners

About two months before you are due to submit your MPhil dissertation for examination, you will need to apply for the appointment of examiners.  

Please complete the form and submit here

The Degree Committee will then set in motion the process of appointment by asking your Head of Department to make nominations in consultation with your supervisor. 

Format of Dissertation

The maximum report length is 20,000 words excluding appendices, figure legends and references. Note that no more than minor corrections and no re-submission of MPhil theses is allowed so you must get this thesis right the first time. 


The thesis must be:

• written in English, apart from quotations and recognised technical formulae

• be thoroughly checked to ensure clear, formal English has been used throughout and that there are minimal typing errors and/or spelling mistakes

• be typescript on A4 paper

• be portrait format

• use single sided or double-sided printing

• use one-and-a-half spaced type

• maximum 20,000 exclude figures, photographs, tables, appendices and bibliography.

Thesis should include:

  • A title page displaying:
    • the full title of the thesis
    • your full name (as it appears on your passport)
    • your College
    • the date of your submission (month and year, optional)
    • and a Declaration stating: This thesis is submitted for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
  • A declaration page in the Preface stating:
    • This thesis is the result of my own work and includes nothing which is the outcome of work done in collaboration except where specifically indicated in the text.
    • Where appropriate, a Statement of Length stating that the thesis does not exceed the prescribed word limit for the [insert relevant] Degree Committee.

Unconnected or unrelated work which has previously been published can be submitted along with the thesis - and may be considered by the examiners at their discretion.

How do I present my thesis?

Submit Your Thesis on Moodle
1. Go to the Moodle link for the Clinical and Veterinary Medicine Thesis Submission site:
2. Sign in using your own CRSID and RAVEN password.
3. Access is password protected. The password (which remains unchanged in 2021) is: Submission2020!
4. Choose the section which applies to you (either MPhil or PhD).

  • Complete the Certificate of Thesis Submission form downloadable from the link provided.
  • Click on the ‘Add Submission’ button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Upload a PDF copy of your thesis and the completed Certificate of Thesis Submission and click ‘SAVE’.
  • On the next screen, click ‘SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT’.
  • On the next screen, tick the declaration box and click ‘Continue’.
  • You will receive an acknowledgement by email. If you have any issues or questions please contact
The rules governing the final examination of MPhil students form part of University Statutes, (, and these examinations are administered by the Board of Graduate Studies and the Degree Committee of the Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.  Go to for further information.