Katie graduated from the University of Edinburgh in July 2009 and spent 5 years in small animal practice in West Yorkshire and South Manchester. Katie began a rotating internship at Northwest Surgeons, a large multidisciplinary referral hospital, in May 2014 and subsequently joined the Medicine team at the QVSH in July 2015. Katie completed her senior clinical training scholarship in June 2018 and stayed on as a Clinical Veterinarian. Katie has a huge interest in feline medicine: - she is also a tutor on the feline medicine distance education course in collaboration with the University of Sydney and the International Society for Feline Medicine (ISFM) and is a member of the ISFM’s expert panel. She is the Cat Advocate for the hospital’s ISFM Gold Cat Friendly Clinic. Katie is Co-Director of the Junior Clinical Training Scholarship Programme.
Feline medicine
1. McCallum KE, Stubbs S, Hope N, Mickleburgh I, Dight D, Tiley L, & Williams TL (2018). Detection and seroprevalence of morbillivirus and other paramyxoviruses in geriatric cats with and without evidence of azotemic chronic kidney disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 32(3), 1100–1108.
2. McCallum KE, Constantino‐Casas F, Cullen JM, et al. Hepatic leptospiral infections in dogs without obvious renal involvement. J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33:141–150
3. Allan F, Watson PJ, McCallum KE. Clinical features and outcomes in 38 dogs with cholelithiasis receiving conservative or surgical management. J Vet Intern Med 2021
4. Butler T, Bexfield N, Dor C, Fantaconi N, Heinsoo I, Kelly D, Kent A, Pack M, Spence SJ, Ward PM, Watson P, McCallum KE. A multicenter retrospective study assessing progression of biliary sludge in dogs using ultrasonography. J Vet Intern Med. 2022; 1- 10. doi:10.1111/jvim.16423
1. McCallum KE, Watson, PJ.. (2018) Hereditary selective cobalamin malabsorption and concurrent pancreatitis in a young Border collie. Veterinary Record Case Reports 6: e0005688
2. Hare CHZ, Archer J, Cloup E, Genain MA, Hughes K, McCallum KE, Alves L. Myoclonus and hypercalcemia in a dog with poorly differentiated lymphoproliferative neoplasia. J Vet Intern Med. 2018;1–6.
3. Shorten E, Swallow A, McCallum KE, Holzhausen C, Hughes K, Genain MA. Computed tomographic findings in a case of feline insulinoma. Vet Rec Case Rep 2020; 8: e001054. Doi:10.1136/vetreccr-2019-001054
4. Allan F, McCallum KE, Genain MA, Harris BJ, Watson PJ. Dissolution of cholelithiasis in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel receiving conservative management with ursodeoxycholic acid. Vet Rec Case Rep 2020 8: e001206. Doi:10.1136/vetreccr-2020-001206
5. Allen F, Peschard A-L, Schiavo L, Bayton W, Corbetta D, McCallum KE. Obstructive pancreatolithiasis in a cat with triaditis and concurrent hypercalcaemia. J Fel Med Surg Open Rep 2021 DOI: 10.1177/20551169221998494
6. Butler T, Hall H, McCallum KE. Polysystemic autoimmune disease in a Cocker Spaniel with neurological and cardiac manifestations. Vet Rec Case Rep 2021: e26.
7. Henry P, Schiavo L, Owen L, McCallum KE. Urinary incontinence secondary to a suspected congenital urethral deformity in a kitten. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery Open Reports. July 2021. doi:10.1177/20551169211045642