Prospective applicants
We are always happy to consider supporting high calibre fellowship candidates that align with our research priorities (infection and immunity, disease dynamics and systems pathology). If there is a particular PI in the Department who you would like to work with, please do contact them directly. We are also happy to advise on how your research interests might be supported in the Department.
The University of Cambridge is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to a proactive and inclusive approach to equality, which supports and encourages all under-represented groups, promotes an inclusive culture, and values diversity. Expressions of interest from traditionally underrepresented groups actively encouraged. The Department of Veterinary Medicine sits within the School of Biological Sciences, which offers a framework to deliver mentoring, support and career development training for our Fellows to maximise their opportunities in pursuing whichever career pathway is right for them.
If you would like to apply for a fellowship hosted in the Department, please contact our Grants Team as early as possible, together with your CV and project proposal.
If we decide to proceed with sponsoring the application, we will assist you with putting together cost proposal (often referred to as the "X5" - this the tool the University uses to calculate the full economic cost of the research it undertakes), and arrange for signature of the Letter of Support from the Head of Department.
We need to submit at least the costs and justification of resources to the University's Research Office, a minimum of 5 days before the fellowship deadline. We strongly recommend that you set yourself a deadline of 5 days before the actual deadline for completing the application, since this time allows us to more thoroughly check through your application for any errors or inconsistencies that might affect its success.
Hints and tips:
- Read the fellowship guidelines thoroughly, particularly over what costs are eligible as part of the fellowship. We can advise on this, but it helps at an early stage to get a good understanding of what budget you have to play with. We can supply you with costs for salaries.
- Please note that the maximum amount available may include overheads, or directly allocated costs (which you cannot spend).
- Research councils typically fund research at 80% full economic cost. The full economic cost (or fEC) of the project is the cost to the University of undertaking the work and consists of:
Directly incurred costs: staff, consumables, travel, equipment, etc. These are resources without which the project cannot be undertaken
Directly allocated costs: estates (buildings), indirects (HR, Finance, Research Office etc. etc.), central resources e.g. HPC cluster, infrastructure technicians
Although only 80% of each item is awarded, the University tops up 20% deficit in the Directly Incurred project costs (and animal housing charges) from the Directly allocated project costs it receives, so you will receive the necessary funds to undertake your project.
- Consider what type of equipment you might need to undertake the project. You can find a database of equipment available in the Department (and the wider University) here. Note that fellowships vary hugely in their support for the purchase of large equipment.
- We can provide you with costs for the use of the University's facilities (e.g. high performance computing, animal housing).
Funding sources
There are numerous fellowship schemes out there to suit researchers at various points of their career. Below we list some of the most popular schemes, but feel free to contact us if there is another scheme you are considering.
The University's Colleges also frequently offer fellowship opportunities (including research fellowships) - you can find out more the types of fellowships offered on the Office for Postdoctoral Affairs' website.
Transition to career independence - UKRI Funding for individual post-graduate researchers, to lead their own research plans and establish their own research team to make the transition from post-doctoral researcher to independent investigator. These awards often include career development opportunities like training, mentorship and international placements. Various deadlines |
Royal Society University Research Fellowships This Fellowship provides the opportunity to build an independent research career. Those appointed are expected to be strong candidates for permanent posts in universities at the end of their fellowships. It covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine. Researchers addressing a direct biomedical research question should apply for a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship. Annual deadline |
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships This scheme offers a recognised first step into an independent research career for outstanding scientists at an early stage of their research career who require a flexible working pattern due to personal circumstances, such as parenting or caring responsibilities or health-related reasons. Annual deadline |
Wellcome Trust- Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships This scheme enables medical, dental, veterinary and clinical psychology graduates to continue their research at postdoctoral level and develop scientific independence. It provides support for up to eight years and the flexibility to balance research and clinical responsibilities. 2x year |
Wellcome Trust- Research Career Re-entry Fellowships This scheme offers postdoctoral research scientists the opportunity to re-establish their scientific careers after a continuous break from research of at least two years. 2x year |
Wellcome Trust - Sir Henry Dale Fellowships This scheme provides support for postdoctoral researchers who aim to become independent scientists leading their own groups. The scheme is a partnership between the Royal Society and the Wellcome Trust. 3x year |
Wellcome Trust - Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships This scheme offers recently qualified postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to start independent research careers, working in some of the best research environments in the world. 2x year |
BBSRC Future Leader Fellowship Supports researchers who show excellent potential and who wish to undertake independent research in a host research group and gain the skills required to be successful in future leadership roles Annual deadline |
ERC Starting or Consolidator Grants Open to researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD), a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal Annual deadline |
5 years funding – candidates must have a project that departs from the mainstream of research in your discipline, a record of outstanding scientific achievement, and demonstrate in the proposal a willingness to engage in a dialogue on relevant social, cultural, political or economic issues across the frontiers of your particular discipline Annual deadline |
Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Annual deadline |