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Department of Veterinary Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary School

We are delighted to offer Catherine Wager our warmest congratulations on the award of a prestigious Pilkington Prize by the University.


Our vision for the Pauline Brown Clinical Skills Centre for veterinary students in the Department of Veterinary Medicine has been realised by Catherine Wager in the 30 months since she was appointed to the new role of Clinical Skills Facilitator. She has worked tirelessly to transform an empty suite of rooms into a hub of activity and learning, and has developed the teaching and learning of clinical skills vastly beyond what was initially envisaged.  Her co-operation with academic staff, application of her own veterinary nursing skills, and insight into the learning needs of students has been second to none; it has contributed to new academic research, and has led to innovation in the Department’s learning and teaching provision. The feedback from students is unanimously positive, both as regards their enjoyment of learning new skills, and about the relaxed and supportive learning environment that Catherine has created. The Department is very fortunate to have such a talented and dedicated member of staff, and one who is an excellent role model for students and colleagues alike.
Many Congratulations (and huge thanks and appreciation) to Catherine!