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Department of Veterinary Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary School

Veterinary Comparative Pathology

We have been investigating the clinical, pathological, and molecular mechanisms of tumours in dogs, cats, and laboratory models. The methodologies include histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, miRNA, protein biomarkers, and genetic screening. Research areas include tumour hypoxia (Glut-1, Ca-IX), COX-2 enzyme expression, intratumoral microvessel density, FOXP3 positive regulatory T cells, and rodent models using a piggyBac transposition system. We have been looking at soft tissue sarcomas, mast cell tumours, histiocytic sarcomas, oral squamous cell carcinomas, nasal carcinomas, and gastrointestinal tumours. 

We have been investigating syringomyelia (SM) in the cavalier King Charles spaniel (CKCS) from a clinical, immunological and pathological perspective. Affected dogs can present with distressingly painful clinical signs and cervical hyperaesthesia. The complete pathogenesis of the syrinx and the clinical signs are incompletely understood. We have been investigating the morphological basis of symptomatic and asymptomatic CKCS dogs with SM, assessment of pain-related neuropeptides (substance P and calcitonin gene related peptide), endoneurial inflammatory cells and the pathogenesis of syrinx formation in the spinal cord of affected CKCS dogs. 

A further area of investigation has been the clinical, immunological, and pathological mechanisms of hepatitis and pancreatitis in dog breeds including the cavalier King Charles spaniel, English springer spaniel, and Skye terrier. The results of these studies will aid understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease and the variation among breeds, age, and gender; to help to prevent the disease and improve treatment to ensure a better quality of life of affected dogs.



I graduated with a Bachelor degree in Veterinary Medicine from the National Autonomus University of Mexico in 1985. I was awarded a PhD degree from the University of Cambridge in 1991. I became head of the department of Pathology at the veterinary school in Mexico City from 2001 to 2006. I was appointed as senior lecturer in veterinary pathology, University of Cambridge in 2007 and in March 2014 as university pathologist at the same university.  I was awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2014.


Key publications: 

Wong K, Van der Weyden L, Schott C, Foote A, Constantino-Casas F, Smith S, Dobson J, Murchison E, Wu H, Yeh I, Fullen D, Joseph N, Bastian B, Patel R, Martincorena I, Robles-Espinoza R, Iyer V, Arends M, Brenn T, Harms P, Wood G, Adams A, Kuijjer M. Cross-species genomic landscape comparison of human mucosal melanoma with canine oral and equine melanoma. Nature Communications. 2019:10(1):353-366.

Mueller S, Engleitner T, Maresch R, Zukowska M, Lange S, Kaltenbacher T, Konukiewitz B, Ollinger R, Zwiebel M, Strong A, Yen H-Y, Banerjee G, Louzada S, Fu B, Seidler B,  Gotzfried J, Schuck K, Hassan Z, Arbeiter A, Schomhuber N, Klein S, Veltkamp C, Friedrich M, Rad L, Barenboim M, Ziegenhain C, Hess J, Dovey OM, Eser S, Parekh S, Constantino-Casas F, De la Rosa J, Sierra MI, Fraga M, Mayerle J, Kloppel G, Cardinanos J, Liu P, Vassiliou G, Weichert W, Steiger K, Enard W, Schmid RR, …. Rad R. Evolutionary trajectories and KRAS gene dosage define pancreatic cancer phenotypes. Nature. 01 February 2018;554:62-68.

Kent ACC, Constantino-Casas F, Rusbridge C, Corcoran BM, Carter M, Leadger T, Watson PJ. Prevalence of pancreatic, hepatic and renal microscopic lesions in post-mortem samples from cavalier King Charles spaniels. J Small Anim Prac. 2016;57:188-193.

Rad R, Rad L, Wang W, Strong A, Ponstingl H, Bronner IF, Mayho M, Steiger K, Weber J, Hieber M, Veltkamp C, Eser S, Geumann U, Ollinger R, Zukowska M, Barenboim M, Maresch R, Caldinanos J, Friedrich M, Varela I, Constantino-Casas F, Sarver A, Ten Hoeve J, Prosser H. A conditional PiggyBac transposition system for genetic screening in mice identifies oncogenic networks in pancreatic cancer. Nat Genet. 2015;47-56.

F Constantino-Casas, D Mayhew, TM Hoather and JM Dobson. The clinical Presentation and Histopathologic-Immunohistochemical Classification of Histiocytic Sarcomas in the Flat Coated Retriever. Vet Pathol. 2011;48:764-771.

Other Professional Activities

Continuing Professional Development

- European Society of Veterinary Oncology. “2011 Annual Congress”. Glasgow, UK. 24th – 26th March 2011.

- BSVP Educational Module 9. “Pathology of the Cardiovascular System”. Department of Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge. 16th and 17th June 2011.

- BSVP Educational Module 12. “Pathology of Blood and Bone Marrow”. Solihull, Birmingham, UK. 13th October 2012.

- Institute of Biomedical Science. “Biomarkers Discovery: Driving Technologies”. RCPath, London, UK. 28th February 2013.

- “31st Annual Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and The European College of Veterinary Pathologists”. London, United Kingdom. 4th – 7th September 2013.

- Wellcome Trust. “Mouse Models of Disease: Using pathology techniques to enhance phenotyping outcomes”. Hinxton, Cambridge, UK. 5-7 February 2014.
                                                                                                                                                                                           - BSVP – Veterinary and Comparative Pathology Seminar Series 2014. “Liver Disease” Rossdales Equine Hospital & Diagnostic Centre. Cotton End Road, Exning, Newmarket, Suffolk, UK. 20th March 2014.

- University of Cambridge. Occupational Health and Safety Service. “Chemical Safety Course”. Cambridge, UK. 1 May 2014.

- BSVP Autumn Meeting. “Problematic Lesions in Histopathology”. Royal Veterinary College, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK. 4th October 2014.

 - Institute of Biomedical Science. “The 2014 Pathology Congress”. London, UK. 2nd – 4th December 2014.

University Pathologist

Contact Details

Email address: 
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge. Madingley Road
01223 337056
Available for consultancy


Person keywords: 
Veterinary Pathology
Veterinary Oncology
Liver Diseases
Pancreatic Disease
Animal welfare science
Infectious Diseases