Control of influenza virus replication
My research focuses on four areas of influenza virology:
1. Identification of novel vaccine antigens leading to broad immunity to infuenza viruses (i.e. Universal flu vaccines).
2. Investigating the dynamics of influenza virus mixed infections in cell culture and in vivo. Using "barcoded" viruses we are investigating the frequency and consequences of mixed infections by influenza virus. We are particularly interested in how viral quasispecies can support the persistence of lower-fitness but evolutionarily significant variants within the population.
3. Transgenic strategies for controlling influenza virus replication in livestock hosts. We are exploring molecular approaches to interfere with influenza virus replication in vivo and testing these using transgenic livestock (chickens and pigs).
4. Enhancing vaccine production in eggs: By altering the expression pattern of viral receptors and disrupting antiviral pathways of host cells (specifically chick embryos in fertilised eggs) we are generating eggs that can propagate a wider range of viruses and produce higher yields for vaccine production.