I graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2018. I was awarded a scholarship to pursue Msc. Mathematics program at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Ghana (AIMS-Ghana) in 2019. During my study at AIMS, I worked on a project titled ‘Mathematical analysis and Optimal control measures on COVID-19 considering humans as shedders’ which earned me the ‘Tutors best eassy award’ in 2020. My current research work is in line with the objective of the World Health Organisation in defeating Meningitis by the end of 2030. My work seeks to understand the current disease dynamics, develop realistic mathematical models to predict reliable control measures taking into consideration the cost effectiveness analysis in order to minimize cost while maximizing health benefits under the supervision of Dr. Caroline Trotter. Aside my academic activities, I am also passionate about children and youth mentorship and training programs for the benefit of the society.
Using mathematical tools in understanding infectious diseases in order to develop realistic measures for humaitarian benefit.
Global stability and cost effectiveness analysis of COVID-19 considering the impact of the environment: using data from Ghana
Teaching and Supervisions
Dr Caroline Trotter