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Department of Veterinary Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary School

There is a wide range of training available to graduate students, from specific to generic and transferable.  You should discuss with your supervisor which courses would be suitable.  You are expected to attend about 10 days (or 20 equivalent 1/2 days) training per year (Credit system explained here).  

Remember to record all training events attended in your Student Log Book.

1. Researcher Development

Researcher Development (RD) encompasses all of the learning and development that you might wish to experience and acquire during your time in Cambridge. It is needed to provide you with the skills and experiences that you need both today and for the future, whatever that might be. The structure for your RD is provided by the Cambridge Researcher Development Framework. This tells you about the competencies you need to gain to meet the goal of becoming a professional researcher.

Within Cambridge there are many providers of RD activities. The central provision is provided by the Researcher Development Team ( and the Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) provides you with a Core Skills Training Programme and other life science specific activities ( Training is also available from the University Information Services, University Library and the Careers’ Service.

The Core Skills Training Programme (CSTP) is a group of activities that you are strongly recommended to complete in your first year. It has been designed to get you started in planning your RD and providing you training in the areas of personal effectiveness and communication. If you successfully complete the CSTP you will receive a certificate from the GSLS.

To learn more about the CSTP you should review the course requirements and activity descriptions on the CSTP Moodle site onto which you should already be enrolled.  The first activity that we recommend is a Skills Analysis Survey. This is completed online and will provide you with more information about RD in Cambridge and how to make the most of your time here – we recommend you do this in the first month of your studies.

If you need some advice on where to get started or what to do next with your RD you should contact Dr Ben Murton ( who is responsible for RD in the Life Sciences. He can also answer any questions you might have about the CSTP.


2. University Lectures

Students can attend any lecture being held in the University, although students wishing to attend lectures for a subject for which they are not registered will be permitted to do so only if there is room for them in the lecture theatre. Please check the details published by the Faculty or Department concerned before attending such lectures as you may be required to sign up in advance. 

3. Departmental Events 

Occasional workshops and training sessions are held in the department.  You will be contacted about these directly and slides and overheads may be uploaded here as appropriate: