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Department of Veterinary Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary School
Read more at: Catherine Wager winner of the Pilkington Prize for excellence in teaching 2018

Catherine Wager winner of the Pilkington Prize for excellence in teaching 2018

12 February 2018

We are delighted to offer Catherine Wager our warmest congratulations on the award of a prestigious Pilkington Prize by the University. Our vision for the Pauline Brown Clinical Skills Centre for veterinary students in the Department of Veterinary Medicine has been realised by Catherine Wager in the 30 months since she was...

Read more at: International consortium awarded $1.65 million NSF grant for One Health study on bat-human interactions.

International consortium awarded $1.65 million NSF grant for One Health study on bat-human interactions.

14 September 2017

The US National Science Foundation has awarded a $1.65 million grant to an international group of researchers to study how human behavior contributes to the spread of emerging infectious diseases. Led by Dr Raina Plowright (Montana State University) with Dr Olivier Restif (University of Cambridge) and researchers from...

Read more at: David Sargan discusses Brachycephalic dogs on the Today programme
David Sargan discusses Brachycephalic dogs on the Today programme

David Sargan discusses Brachycephalic dogs on the Today programme

8 June 2017

With the news from the Kennel Club that so-called ‘designer dogs’ or flat faced dogs, such as French bulldogs will soon overtake Labradors as the nation’s most popular dog breed, Dr David Sargan was interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s Today programme to discuss why DNA testing for genetic abnormalities should be introduced. You...

Read more at: Cambridge veterinary student wins postgraduate award for her research into oldest canine cancer
Cambridge veterinary student wins postgraduate award for her research into oldest canine cancer

Cambridge veterinary student wins postgraduate award for her research into oldest canine cancer

31 May 2017

Andrea Strakova, 26, has won the Postgraduate Student Inspiration Award as part of one of the largest and most prestigious veterinary awards in the world, the International Canine Health Awards. Andrea has been awarded a prize of £10,000 to help further her research into Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour (CTVT), a...

Read more at: Penny Watson recognised for outstanding contribution to small animal veterinary medicine
Penny Watson recognised for outstanding contribution to small animal veterinary medicine

Penny Watson recognised for outstanding contribution to small animal veterinary medicine

4 May 2017

Our congratulations go to Dr Penny Watson, who was recently awarded the BSAVA (British Small Animal Veterinary Association) Woodrow Award, which is presented to a member of the BSAVA for outstanding contributions in the field of small animal veterinary medicine. The BSAVA Awards are designed to show appreciation to...

Read more at: University league tables 2017 - Cambridge Vet School tops league for veterinary science
University league tables 2017 - Cambridge Vet School tops league for veterinary science

University league tables 2017 - Cambridge Vet School tops league for veterinary science

25 May 2016

Cambridge tops league for veterinary science - Click for further information